We have lost our compass…
only God’s RULE and RULEs,
can bring us back…
#1 the Golden RULE
The Golden RULE can literally save humanity from insanity! It is Gods #1 RULE! It is to “Love God with everything you got, and second, to Love your neighbor as yourself.” Living, teaching, sharing this simple RULE will transform your life, family, church, youth group, business, school, organization, neighborhood, country, and all life on our planet. The Golden RULE was given to us by Jesus and is known by modern philosophers as the most ethical tenet in human history. We can save this insane world from its self imposed insanity by spreading the Golden RULE all over the planet.
#2 Faith and Hope
RULE #2 is Faith and hope which are required for real love to form in us. MMWOW stands for Move Mountains (faith) Walk on Water (hope). Without faith it’s impossible to please God, but with faith all things are possible. In fact, great faith can Move Mountains which are those enormous obstacles we all face in life. Walking on water represents the hope we need to stay above the forceful evil tide because the world is always trying to drown us. Encourage someone or your entire group with MMWOW wristbands to remind them to always have supernatural MMWOW faith and hope.
More RULEs added weekly
Golden RULE Testimonials
“The purpose of life is not to be powerful, wealthy, successful, or famous! The purpose of life is to love God with your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.”
Cliff Kneechtle
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
Mother Theresa
“It’s called the Golden RULE. Do unto others what you would have them to do to unto you…This is the heart, this is the essence of Christianity and the essence of the Bible. How God wants us to live.”
Pastor Chuck smith
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